Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Barbie & Tie Dye

Trudging through the 90º weather to get to the Salvation Army was definitely worth it... Barbie shirt= best find of my life! Only 99¢. Oh, and doing some major Barbie hair teasing right now. Don't they look fabulous!?

This tie dye v-neck is also from the Salvation army! $1.99 and the colors are so bright and cute!

This Further tie dye shirt was given to me by my boyfriend from a hippie music fest he went to over the weekend. 


  1. OMG THAT BARBIE T-SHIRT! *_____* You win the award for best thrift find ever, okay?

  2. Well, I've seen YOUR barbie shirt AND sweater so... I think you definitely win! But thank you!!
